About our Club


The Doll Lovers' Society was formed in 1975 when Gwen Hunter appeared in an article in the Newcastle Morning Herald, asking for anyone interested in dolls and forming a group to contact her. On 22nd March twenty-one ladies met for the first time. There it was decided that the club's aims would be "to help promote and encourage all forms of doll collecting, and above all, to preserve dolls."

Since then the Doll Lovers Society has grown to include members from all around the Hunter Region and NSW. Our aim is to promote the hobby of doll collecting and provide assistance and support for local charitable organisations. One way this is achieved is through our yearly fairs which we have been running since 1983.

Members at an exhibition in Newcastle, 1979.


Virtual Meetings - Members Only - For those who can't attend our meetings in person.

The Society meets on the second Saturday of each month, between 1:30pm and 3:30pm
at the Hamilton Community Hive, next to Hamilton Uniting Church
Beaumont Street, Hamilton NSW Australia.

The club's library is open during meetings and holds a wide range of literature on dolls, teddy bears and miniatures. There is also a trading table available for members wishing to sell any of their dolls or doll related items.
Each month the meeting runs a popular choice competition, where members bring along a particular category of doll for others to vote on. First prize is fame plus the chance to tell everybody about your doll :)

Meetings are followed by afternoon tea.

Cake for the club's 10th birthday.


Would you like to join our society?

Membership fees are $40.00 per year. In return you have the opportunity to:
* socialise with other friendly people who enjoy your hobby
* borrow from the club library
* receive "Doll Talk", the club magazine
* indulge in occasional bus trips to fairs, exhibitions and the like.

Application forms are available through post or email.




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These pages designed by Justine Atkinson. Last updated February, 2023.